Monday, January 30, 2006

Sweet Nectar of Life

As I sit here sipping on my Pepsi, enjoying this tasty beverage. Stop. It's a fucking tasty beverage, Ted. Right. Enjoying this goodness, this gift from the heavens, via the local bottling plant of course, and I look back to when I was caffeine free.

And I laugh and laugh and laugh.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Night Away

Last Thursday or was it Wednesday? Anyway, Shannon and I dropped the kids off with my parents and sped away laughing maniacally that they fell for the whole babysitting thing. No, no, they're darlings I'm sure. Anyway, we got the hell outta Dodge and were able to have some time alone sans kidlets.

We went and saw a movie, Chronicles of Narnia, and it wasn't bad. Pretty true to the book and just well done. Loved the sound track and quite enjoyed the way they shot several scenes. Don't know if it will be one to own but was certainly worth seeing.

After that we went out to dinner. And it wasn't fast food either! Not that Chilli's is 5 star dining but hey, it was out to dinner. We enjoyed ourselves and the food was pretty good. I got the steak and portobella fajitas and they were damn tasty. Really enjoyed the chimichurri they marinated it in and had as a dipping sauce. I'm soooo making my own very soon.

Was a very enjoyable evening and just made me want to get out with the wife some more. Suppose we'll have to invest some time and money in finding a babysitter. It'll be worth it.

4 's

Pischina tagged me with this so here we go.

4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life?
Teachers Aide
IRS employee
Shoe Salesman

4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over?
Oceans 11
LOTR -any and all
Harry Potter -any and all

4 Places You Have Lived?
Fresno, CA
Yokota AFB, Japan
Altus, OK
Morgantown, WV

4 TV Shows You Love To Watch?
Gilmore Girls
West Wing
Good Eats

4 Places You Have Been on Vacation?
Las Vegas
That's about it as an adult. Sad,huh?

4 Websites You Visit Daily?
Just about everyone on my BlogRoll

4 of Your Favorite Foods?

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
In bed
At the movies
Las Vegas

4 Bloggers You Are Tagging?
I'm tagging you. Yes you. Get on it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Decline of Language

Whilst at Costco last night I was walking past the premade dinners in the refrigerated aisles when I noticed on their lids they had printed, Lids not Ovenable. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot? Ovenable? Well golly, are they stovable? Hot platable? Camp fireable?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Super Bowl Baby!!!!

Man that rocks hardcore!! I am so happy Pittsburgh pulled off this stunning record. First 6th seed to make it all the way to the Super Bowl. 3 play off games on the road and not only did they win, they almost dominated. I haven't been this excited for a Super Bowl in quite awhile.

In other news, Little is growing up in a hurry. Cutting her first tooth finally. Well, teeth actually. Both bottoms at the same time. Poor kid. She is also in the process of mastering crawling, getting up on those knees and getting about. She keeps trying to stand up though. What is it with this kid and skipping steps? She can also sit up by herself now. Man she is growing up in a hurry.

Munchkin is growing like a weed too. And getting smarter by the day. I am pretty confident she will be in Kindergarten next year. She knows her alphabet real well and more that just that, knows the sounds of most of them too. Now she is working on numbers and can count well, and recognizes the numbers by sight and what they are worth.

I'm a pretty lucky Dad to have two such smart little rodents. Gonna keep me on my toes I'm sure.

This is killing me

I swear the stress of my team in the playoffs gives me ulcers. If Pittsburgh fucks this up, I'm gonna be pissed. That far ahead at the half only to give up so many points. I need a Tums.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Quote of the Day Goes To...

Munchkin who observed her fingers after being in the tub a half hour, "I have brains all over my fingers!!"

And That's the Way It Is...

My arthritis has been acting up lately. Had some decent sized flareups, which is unusual, since I have been pretty free of them for almost 7-8 years. I thought it might be because that I stopped taking one of my medications. Methotrexate is a cancer treatment drug that somehow helps against rheumatoid arthritis, they don't know how. So a cancer treatment, sooo, chemotherapy is what I am taking. And yes when I take it, it makes me sick for like 24 hours. I got tired of feeling that way and stopped taking it. I still had my infusion every other month and I was doing fine. That was more than 6 months ago.

Sure it could be the fact that the weather has gotten colder and more damp and that is helping to trigger these things but I have a dark feeling that it is more than that. I have a feeling that I have built up an immunity to the wonder drug that has helped keep me foot loose and fancy free.

This morning is the worse I have been since the old days. Everything hurts. Bad. Even my hands have given up on me today and that is the first time since I don't know when. And Shannon has to work, so I am taking care of the kids today. I don't have the slightest idea how I am going to. Like how I used to operate under these conditions I guess. One step at a time. And that is quite a literal statement when I say that.

Shan had to get ready for work and the baby had just woken up so I had to feed her. It took me a half hour to get out of bed, get dressed, pick up the baby (which hurt so bad I cried) and got her changed and got to the front room. I managed to fit in a short breakdown as I was changing her. Just started crying and thinking dismal thoughts. The pain, both physical and emotional. How am I supposed to take care of a my family like this? How if this was even a remote possibility I shouldn't have gotten married and had kids. This isn't fair to them. Luckily Little peed all over and I got it together so I get things all cleaned up.

I have taken a huge dose of advil and vicodin to help. It doesn't take the pain away per se but makes me a little numb towards it. Numb is good. Numb is welcomed right now.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

What am I seeing here?

Had a kinda crappy day yesterday. Well the afternoon anyways. Had to go get lab work done and when I asked the guy said 15 minutes. Yeah. Right. So an hour later I got my stuff done. However, while waiting, I got to watch an animated roll of toilet paper on the back of a toilet explain to me about the troubles of divurticulitis. W.T.F?! I can't even begin to comprehend the brain trust that this idea grew from much less the people that approved it and thought, gee guys, that's a swell piece of work there.

Go to pick up my prescription that I called in early Tuesday afternoon to be told, sorry, I haven't called the Dr yet. Sigh.

I'm just cranky because of all this cold damp weather. It is making my arthritis hurt like a sumbitch. Just imagine this. Break a 12 pack of your favorite beer's bottles up into tiny shards. Now imagine that inserted into your knees and shoulders. Yay!! Science is fun!

I brake for segues.

You ever go buy something because it looks like you are practically out of said something? And then for some strange reason it just keeps going. I am having this situation with the toothpaste and mustard. Bought new ones because they were on their last legs and now they somehow miraculously still have stuff in them. Bottles are squeezed in and crushed beyond physics allow but yet, the stuff keeps coming out. Must be the mustard/toothpaste fairies hard at work at night.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Time Keeps On Slipping

You ever lose track of time? I'm not talking you're watching TV and oh damn I was supposed to start dinner 30 minutes ago, kinda losing track. No, I mean like losing all sense of time, lost inside your head and thoughts, losing track. Where you suddenly surface to reality and have no idea if it was just seconds or minutes or lots of minutes.

I do this in the shower constantly in the mornings while getting ready for work. It is the combination of still being groggy from waking up I think combined with being alone and no distractions or interruptions. Perhaps you need to have kids to understand this. Anyway, I get to thinking one thing which leads to another, and then it just cascades, a chain reaction of thought until I "come to" and wonder just how long was I out of it. Was it just a bit? Am I late?

It happens far to frequent for me, and I wonder if it is at all related to my ADD. Whatever it is, it is just bizarre sometimes.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Taking a moment

You are supposed to stop and smell the flowers every once and awhile. Well, having no flowers nor any trues desire to run some down simply for me to stick my schnoz in and possibly get allergies or even a bee sting, I went with the next best thing.

Watched the cat loll about in the sunlight streaming in through the window. It felt really good just sitting in the sun and feeling its warmth radiate. Cleo was obvious enjoying it to, lying in it herself, with changes to accomodate it moving and rolling onto her back as well. Gotta have an even tan I suppose.

I had a flash of when I was a kid and I'd do the same thing. I'd lay on the carpet in front of the windows where the sun was shining in. Reading more than likely or simply daydreaming. I'm pretty sure I wasn't rolling around like a cat, but who knows, I was a strange child.

Still feels good.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Run Amuck

Can you believe that Little is starting to crawl already? Holy Jeebus. Nothing is safe now. It isn't a full on crawl yet. Mostly her pulling herself along with just her arms, she is gonna be buff before long. Throw in some rolling over and she gets to wherever she wants to. And pretty quick when she really wants to. Child is getting into everything, and by everything I mean anything that Munchkin leaves on the floor. Maybe she'll learn to pick up and put her shit away after Little slobbers and chews on a few things. Hahah, yeah right.

In other news, I have been proclaimed King of California by Munchkin so I'll be expecting tithing and royal sucking up soon. Don't make me sick the Knights on you.

Did I mention the gifts I got this year? I got the usual teacher kinda ones that make you go, wtf? but I also got a stack of gift cards a mile high and like 100 bucks worth of movie passes. We are set for the year movie wise that is for damn sure. It was a nice haul, now I need to get off my butt and go out and spend them. Maybe find a sitter one night and do a dinner and a movie. We seriously need to get out of here sometime soon. Again, hahahha, yeah right.