Thursday, January 12, 2006

What am I seeing here?

Had a kinda crappy day yesterday. Well the afternoon anyways. Had to go get lab work done and when I asked the guy said 15 minutes. Yeah. Right. So an hour later I got my stuff done. However, while waiting, I got to watch an animated roll of toilet paper on the back of a toilet explain to me about the troubles of divurticulitis. W.T.F?! I can't even begin to comprehend the brain trust that this idea grew from much less the people that approved it and thought, gee guys, that's a swell piece of work there.

Go to pick up my prescription that I called in early Tuesday afternoon to be told, sorry, I haven't called the Dr yet. Sigh.

I'm just cranky because of all this cold damp weather. It is making my arthritis hurt like a sumbitch. Just imagine this. Break a 12 pack of your favorite beer's bottles up into tiny shards. Now imagine that inserted into your knees and shoulders. Yay!! Science is fun!

I brake for segues.

You ever go buy something because it looks like you are practically out of said something? And then for some strange reason it just keeps going. I am having this situation with the toothpaste and mustard. Bought new ones because they were on their last legs and now they somehow miraculously still have stuff in them. Bottles are squeezed in and crushed beyond physics allow but yet, the stuff keeps coming out. Must be the mustard/toothpaste fairies hard at work at night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hasn't this mustard issue been going on for awhile now?! seems like you were well stocked last summer!
your animated, informational toilet paper ranks right up there with jiminy cricket explaining my menstrual cycle to me with some catchy little song & dance routines!

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry you're hurting :-(

::shudders at the idea of Jiminy Cricket even KNOWING about menstrual cycles::

Yep... toothpaste and mustard. Eventually, I get pissed and when no one is looking, I'll trash the old tube/jar/bottle and start the new one anyway.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is happening with my facewash. I bought a new one and somehow I still have some in my old one. Why don't checking accounts do this!?!

5:49 PM  

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