Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Run Amuck

Can you believe that Little is starting to crawl already? Holy Jeebus. Nothing is safe now. It isn't a full on crawl yet. Mostly her pulling herself along with just her arms, she is gonna be buff before long. Throw in some rolling over and she gets to wherever she wants to. And pretty quick when she really wants to. Child is getting into everything, and by everything I mean anything that Munchkin leaves on the floor. Maybe she'll learn to pick up and put her shit away after Little slobbers and chews on a few things. Hahah, yeah right.

In other news, I have been proclaimed King of California by Munchkin so I'll be expecting tithing and royal sucking up soon. Don't make me sick the Knights on you.

Did I mention the gifts I got this year? I got the usual teacher kinda ones that make you go, wtf? but I also got a stack of gift cards a mile high and like 100 bucks worth of movie passes. We are set for the year movie wise that is for damn sure. It was a nice haul, now I need to get off my butt and go out and spend them. Maybe find a sitter one night and do a dinner and a movie. We seriously need to get out of here sometime soon. Again, hahahha, yeah right.


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