Monday, October 30, 2006

But other than that Mrs. Lincoln...

Okay, so here I am, still amongst the living, not for the lack of trying apparently. I haven't posted because I really hate whining about stuff here and that is all it would have been. I'm still going to now, so what the hell.

My knee is fine if not still a little swollen and sore. It has been the least of my problems. Seems that a couple days after the surgery seemed like a good idea to get an abscessed tooth. What is it about tooth pain that puts it in a higher plane of existence than other pain? I don't get it. So I get antibiotics that kill the infection but also make me nauseas. I try and suck it up and just keep taking them but finally had to stop when they finally actually made me sick. However, it did make the pain stop so yay there.

At this point I am eating less than a super model between all the fun going on. I am sure I dropped about 10 pounds from all this mess. So I left this part out but the antibiotics were just to kill it long enough to go in and have it yanked out. Fun, fun! So that is always traumatic, having something yanked out of your skull. And then the ache for the rest of the day.

About this same time is when a chest cold thought it might be a nice time to stop by for a visit. And since it had all the makings of a party, my arthritis decided to stop by as well.

I'm relatively fine now. Beating the last of the cold now, arthritis in check and my knee is fine. Even went to work today but had to nap afterwards cuz it took a lot out of me. was the play?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I Lived

Thank you for the support. I made it through without any problems. That I know of anyways.

Apparently it was bad enough inside my knee that a 30 minute surgery took a bit over an hour. Leave it to me. My knee is swollen still, about the size of a decent melon of some sort. I get to start exercising it now. Wheeeee.

Amazingly enough, I still can't play the piano.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Surgery Time

So today I go in for some arthroscopic surgery on my knee. That should be fun. I get put under completely, they do the surgery, wake me up and shove me out the door basically.

Now, to make this all the more interesting, I am in the middle of a full blown arthritic flare up. I can barely move and what not. I'm predicting I'll be back in the hospital again after trying to walk with crutches, hahhaha.

So fingers crossed for me and stuff.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Taste Sensation

Nothing like popping a lime Tums and then brushing your teeth. Mmmmm...chalky Mojito.

In other weirdness.

Wife and I are lying in bed when she starts on the topic of turning lead into gold. She couldn't come up with the word and while it was on the tip of my tongue, I couldn't spit it out, so as a joke I said Necromancy. She responded with Occulmency. I counter with Arithmancy, she uses somehow we are now in a battle of listing Harry Potter courses. I won with Transfiguration. I'm fairly positive we named everyone ever listed.

We're daft.

Oh, changing lead into gold. Transmutation.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Candygram for Mongo

At school today the teacher was giving the kids some Jolly Ranchers. Love me some Jolly Ranchers, Apple and Watermelon are the best of course. For whatever reason I flashed back to being a kid and getting some. Anyone remember when they came in a flat stick about 5 inches long or so?

You'd work on it for awhile and before you knew it, you had yourself a candy shiv. All pointy and those things got sharp! You'd be cutting your tongue and lips and cheeks. I bet they didn't let those in prison.

I tried to remember what else I bought as a kids candy wise, but can't remember. What candy did you buy?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Minty Fresh

So Little likes to get into things. Shocking, I know. This includes the cabinets in the bathroom which I'm sure in her little eyes, is a "things I really shouldn't have" wonderland.

Her favorite things are the little travel size stuff we have for...well, traveling. I mean, c'mon, they are Little sized. They are the greatest things on earth. She'd go trick or treating for them I'd bet.

Anyway, she managed to get the mini Scope open. Yeah, the one with the child proof cap. Awesome. And then she dumped it on our bedroom floor, after an ill-advised drink I bet. So yeah. You can smell our bedroom halfway down the hall.

Could have been worse I suppose. Could have dumped a bottle of Hai Karate.

So Then My Testicle Fell Off

I haven't written lately because not much has happened, aside from me falling apart. But I hesitated from writing about it because, really, who wants to read about that kinda shit? And yet, here I am doing it anyway.

A few weeks ago at my infusion, I had a reaction to it. After 5 years of taking the Remicaid, I had a reaction, and boy was it a doozy. Breathing got harder and harder as it felt like a band across my chest constricting. Then the heart rate accelerated some and it felt like it was just pounding in my chest. My ears burst into flames, or at least felt like it, while the nurse told me I was literally, beet red. So I got shot up with something I didn't hear and also 50mg of Benedryl straight in the blood stream. Now, taking a 10mg tablet orally, makes me all dizzy so you can imagine how I felt. I was fuzzy for 36 hours. I shit you not. I'm recovered and am fine now, obviously, but may not get to take the Remicaid anymore. So my arthritis may come back stronger. Suckity.

Then I break my toe Sunday by some how walking to close to the couch and slamming it in the corner. It is the lovliest shade of purple right now. And the coup de grace, would be what I am assuming is an infection in my mouth, under the gums, because my left cheek looks like I am starting to store nuts for winter. And needless to say it is a wee bit painful.

Sigh. Yay me.

I turn 39 Friday after next. Someone just put me down.