Thursday, October 05, 2006

Candygram for Mongo

At school today the teacher was giving the kids some Jolly Ranchers. Love me some Jolly Ranchers, Apple and Watermelon are the best of course. For whatever reason I flashed back to being a kid and getting some. Anyone remember when they came in a flat stick about 5 inches long or so?

You'd work on it for awhile and before you knew it, you had yourself a candy shiv. All pointy and those things got sharp! You'd be cutting your tongue and lips and cheeks. I bet they didn't let those in prison.

I tried to remember what else I bought as a kids candy wise, but can't remember. What candy did you buy?


Blogger MJ said...

Now I might be showing my age here, but when I was a kid I would spend hours at the 5 and dime...

I was WAY into:
PixyStix, Pop Rocks, Sugar Daddies (and Boston Baked Beans - anyone remember those?) Smarties, BB Bats, Hot Tamales, Whistle Pops (awesome!) Bit-O-Honey and Mary Janes, and of course, various assorted candy cigarettes - like that shit would fly today!

Mmm... Candy!

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, talk about opening the floodgates!! I remember all of those. Didn't care for Bit O Honey or the Baked Beans but I certainly remember them.

They are still around but I remember I was always buying Sweet Tarts too. Still love them.

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude. The long Jolly Rancher thingies? I believe they were called "stix." Fire Stix. Watermelon Stix. Etc.

Speaking of Stix... PixiStix. Man, that was like crack for kids. I loved that stuff. And smarties, too.

7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stix!! That's right!!

I remembered another thing, for me anyways; Bubble Yum!! Grape flavored especially. Man you could smell someone chewing that a block and a half away.

11:58 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

PixiStix - just tilt your head back and pour (whatever you do - don't inhale!) Then run around like a sugar crazed freak until you smash into something!

Rinse. Repeat.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might not remember this... wax lips! I barely remember them, but they tasted good and you could chew them. They were tasty!

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, what about our SPREE spree ? Or were they SweeTTarts ?

12:37 PM  

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