Saturday, March 31, 2007

Car Related Crap

Yesterday I got to go to the DMV. Always a treat really. I was smart enough (read wife told me) to get an appointment and I was hardly in there that long. I had to go in and renew my license. I had to retake the written test, because I haven't done that since I took the test the first time 22 years ago.

I was nervous about the test because as a renewal I could only miss 3. Then again, there were only 18 on the test. I had taken all the practice ones online and felt pretty confident until the test I took had lots of questions that weren't on the online ones. I manage to roll out of there with just missing 1. I'm legal!!

Then took the car in for a smog and of course it had to go and fail. Man that thing was billowing smoke. But it looks like we might get some help from the state to help pay to repair it so it passes. That will be nice.

We desperately need another car, and certainly a newer one. I better get to filing taxes.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Random Spew

Man, nothing like sitting down on the bed, buck ass naked as you change clothes, only to get goosed in the ass by the measuring spoons Little swiped and stowed where you decide to sit.

Today I got lemonade from a roadside stand run by a brother and sister. I was with my sister and told her to turn so we could get some, because honestly, you gotta support that kinda stuff. A buck got us two cups, and it really was pretty decent lemonade.

The other day while we had hamburgers, Munchkin picked off a sesame seed and said we should plant it and water it and watch it grow. I asked her what would grow and said she didn't know, hamburgers?

Friday, March 16, 2007

I See It All So Clearly Now

Don't you love when childhood phenomena (doo, doo) are suddenly clearer as an adult. The Munchkin and Little have been, well, hmmm....challenging today. As I told my mom about it and she laughed and I commented how I was sooooo having a drink tonight and then it dawned on me clear as day...

...OMG!! This is why you and Dad always had a drink before dinner!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happiness Found

Now the title certainly shouldn;t imply that I am or have been unhappy, so let's get that stated right away. However, I discovered a slice of happy this afternoon.

I decided to surprise Shannon with some ribs today and as I was in the kitchen bopping about as I prepped them, and made my rub and all the fun stuff that goes with, I was in an incredible mood. Top it off with iTunes pumping out the jams and I was a dancing around the kitchen and headbanging.

I found me some happy. Yay.

Monday, March 05, 2007

English Geeks

Shannon sees a commercial that had a duck phone in it.

"Oooooh, I want a duck phone!"

"That's probably not hard to find. You can find anything anymore."

"What about a hippo phone?"

"I am betting somewhere there is a hippo phone."

"Okay, but what about a homophone?"

"I promise you I can fined a homophone."

Ok, Yeah

I have been rather lazy about posting here. About 3 weeks ago, everyone one of us was sick with a cold, and no it just could't be that simple. I think the girls each brough home a different strain from daycare because as soon as one of us got well, we'd get hit again, different symptoms. Too much fun. I can't wait until Munchkin is in school and has easy access to the germs of 30 kids to bring home.

I just saw the weirdest thing on my walk home from work. An older woman, let's say late 50's/early 60s riding her bike. Yay for her, no weirdness there, right? Ahhh, but she was wearing these black linen capris, and wearing a black sweater with big, gaudy, gold rings and earrings, with Linda Richman hair. Actually, now that I think about it, I just saw Madonna's Coffee Talk character go riding by on a mountian bike. Coolness.