Saturday, December 31, 2005

Misc Mumblings

I am still bout but have been lost in one of the many games I got for Christmas. Gaming is like crack to me for some reason and got immersed whole hog. And I got 3 games sooooo, hello addiction!!

Christmas was good. Kids made out like bandits, but that is what they are supposed to do. Munchkin was very excited about the whole Santa thing and the putting out of cookies and carrots for the reindeer.

I have a ton of thank yous that need written for the gifts I got from the kids at school. I hate that part.

New Year is upon us but dunno if I will bother with resolutions. Does anyone keep them? I try to make guidlines and do my best. Seems more reasonable and attainable.

I wish everyone a very Happy New Year with great things to come for all.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Happiness is...

...having all your Christmas shopping done.

...rewarding yourself with a Java Chip Frappuccino for having said shopping done.

...finding 7 free washers to do all your laundry at once.

...having generous friends and family who all chip in to pay for your stupid ass broke down car.

...refinding some Christmas cheer.

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Well, I'm not quite as pissy as I was. Last night after Lisa took us to get the car, she bought us McDonalds and loaned us some money and stayed and played with the kids for a couple hours. And then a small miracle over the night, Little slept the night through. I mean, hard core. We got 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Merry Fucking Christmas right there, I'm telling ya. So things don;t look so bleak right now. Yay.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Fucked Up Year

This really has all the markings of a shitty year. I swear we have run into so much bad luck this year that it is unbelievable. Most of it centered around that piece of crap car.

So as you can probably guess, it has pulled more shit. Radiator decided to spring a leak just before Christmas. Fan-fucking-tastic. So that wipes out all our money pretty much. Suck ass part of it is that we haven't bought any presents for the girls yet.

I just don't get it. We weather one thing, struggle to get back up afloat, only to get pushed under again. We can't seem to get ahead so that we can take care of things ahead of time. We keep having to put money into this car so we have no money to save to buy another one.

We get one piece of good news only to immediately get hit with bad news. And without fail, that bad news just about always kicks us in the wallet. I do my best to get over this kinda stuff but I feel so beat up lately that it is getting kinda depressing.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Richard Pryor dying is one of the suckier celebrity deaths lately. He was a truly gifted and seriously funny mother fucker. I remember listening to him on tape when I was in Jr High and just laughing hysterically. I would imitate his routines to friends and make them bust up as well. He paved the way for so many future comics that the list would be far too long.

Rest in Peace Richard, and thanks for the laughs.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Little just rolled over from her back to her tummy! And now looking over, in the amount of time it took me to get over here, show Munchkin how to change the channel to Disney, Little has managed to turn herself 180 degrees as well.

This one is gonna be one mobile child in no time.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Random Thought Puree

Let's see what I can spew out, mix together and call it a post. This is what happens when you keep meaning to post but never do. Kids, take this as a lesson.

Munchkin is learning the finer points of language while driving. The other day some old biddy was doing 25 and just being a general old nuisance and I had had enough and yelled "What the..." but being a father that is trying to be good about swearing, stopped there. Munchkin however felt the need to complete the rest by piping up immediately with "...hell". I'm equally embarrased and proud.

Little has slept through the night completely the last 2 nights. However, during the day she has been ultra crotchety and needy and whiny. It's enough to consider going back to her being fine during the day and waking up at night.

I'm sick again. No sooner than I got over the damn cold than here I am again. Might be flu this time because I feel pretty rotten right now. Nothing like being home alone with the kids, one of which is whiny, and the other is 4, while being sick yourself. Good times, good times.

Fresno State made it to the Liberty Bowl despite their phenominal collapse at the end of the season. Taking on Tulsa. I believe we spanked them last time we played them when they were still in the WAC. Now before I open myself to comments, I find the need to point out this. What bowl game are the Pokes in? Hmmmm? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

6ft of Fun

Am I strange? I noticed that Costco sells caskets while perusing them online. When I was there last week, my friend and I chided ourselves for not looking to see if they had them instore. I asked if she had a camera phone because next time, I totally want to find them and get pictures of us inside one.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Rockin' It Old School

I think that Clubfoot Jesus would be an awesome name for a band.