Thursday, December 08, 2005

Random Thought Puree

Let's see what I can spew out, mix together and call it a post. This is what happens when you keep meaning to post but never do. Kids, take this as a lesson.

Munchkin is learning the finer points of language while driving. The other day some old biddy was doing 25 and just being a general old nuisance and I had had enough and yelled "What the..." but being a father that is trying to be good about swearing, stopped there. Munchkin however felt the need to complete the rest by piping up immediately with "...hell". I'm equally embarrased and proud.

Little has slept through the night completely the last 2 nights. However, during the day she has been ultra crotchety and needy and whiny. It's enough to consider going back to her being fine during the day and waking up at night.

I'm sick again. No sooner than I got over the damn cold than here I am again. Might be flu this time because I feel pretty rotten right now. Nothing like being home alone with the kids, one of which is whiny, and the other is 4, while being sick yourself. Good times, good times.

Fresno State made it to the Liberty Bowl despite their phenominal collapse at the end of the season. Taking on Tulsa. I believe we spanked them last time we played them when they were still in the WAC. Now before I open myself to comments, I find the need to point out this. What bowl game are the Pokes in? Hmmmm? Yeah, that's what I thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*glares at you*

I'm sick!

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehehe... hey, just think, Munchkin COULD have used the F-word.

YAY for Fresno State! :-D

What's a Poke?

Sawwy yer sick. Hope you feel better soon.

Not a bad attempt at a blog, iffen you ask me. Better than none at all, which is what *I've* done lately.

7:39 PM  

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