Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

When Little dropped her juice cup on her new toy, she muttered "aww shit". I'm so proud. *eyeroll*

May your holidays be filled with as few aww shits as possible and brimming with blessings. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Here are somethings that have come out of the mouth of our babe.

One morning she told me she was tired. I asked if she was going to go to sleep when she got to Grandma Carolyn's, to which she replied, "No, bad manners".

When driving in the back of the car in her car seat, lately she has been shouting. Which in her book apparently means we just shout out the actual word, shout. Shout! Shout!

Little is fiercely independent and always wants to do everything by herself, to which she would say, "No! My do it!". As she was getting into her car seat by herself, silly me thought I'd correct her. "No Little, *I* do it." to which she hastily replied, "Nooo, my do it". "No no, Little you say, I do it". "NO! *MY do it". Our own little Abbot and Costello routine. I gave up.

And this evening after dinner, my little ADD poppet was telling me she was all done. How she wanted down, she was stuck. I mentioned she hadn't used the magic word yet, to which she replied with a sudden look down at the floor....ooooh, a circle.