Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Four Things

I haven't done much in the way of meme's but this one seemd interesting enough. I found it over at Chip's who snagged it from Joelle's and figured what the hey.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1) Navy plane captain
2) Fry Cook
3) Tax Examiner
4) Teacher's Aide

Movies I could watch over and over.
1) LOTR, any of them
2) Any Harry Potter
3) Oceans 11 (Clooney/Pitt)
4) 300

Four places I have lived:
1) Orangevale, CA
2) Memphis, TN (Navy training)
3) Whidbey Island NAS, WA
4) Fresno, CA

Four things I did this weekend:
1) Took care of a sick wife.
2) Took care of a whiny child.
3) Watched a movie.
4) Did the dishes.

Four places I have been on vacation:
1) Korea
2) Phillipines
3) Las Vegas, NV
4) Morro Bay, CA

Four of my favorite foods:
1) Tri-tip
2) Hamburgers
3) Potato Chips
4) Chocolate

Four places I would rather be or go:
1) Las Vegas
2) Morro Bay
3) Europe
4) Japan

What are your favorite activities?
1) Being on the computer
2) Playing Guitar Hero
3) Watching Movies
4) Cooking

Your favorite non-alcoholic drinks?
1] Pepsi
2] Mt Dew Code Red
3] Lemonade
4] Iced Tea

Your favorite alcoholic beverages? (so rare I drink)
1] Beer
2] Mojito
3] Kamikaze
4] Vodka Collins

Favorite scent/smells?
1] Peach or Honeysuckle on my wife
2] Baby shampoo on the kids
3] Hugo on me
4] Cinnamon rolls baking

Favorite colors?
1] Any blue really
2] Hunter Green
3] Black
4] Maroon

Favorite Flower?
1] Roses
2] Daisies
3] Orchids
4] Sun Flowers

Favorite TV shows?
1] Top Chef
2] Heroes
3] Grey's Anatomy
4] Jeopardy

4 Hopes for the future?
1] Buy a house
2) Go to Europe
3] Maybe open a bed and breakfast
4] Arthritis under control

4 bad habits?
1] Too much computer
2] Not enough time with kids
3] Procrastinator
4] Not filling ice trays

Hottest profession of opposite sex? (What? What the hell kind of question is this?)
1] Teacher
2] Chef
3] Dancer
4] Molecular Biologist (okay I'm just filling spaces)

Why do they always seem so easy and then take me far too long to actualy accomplish? Why is listing 4 damn things so flipping difficult for me?

*edit* apparently I already did one of this nature about a year ago, but I am leaving it because there are more and different questions and dammit I invested the time in this!


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