Friday, July 06, 2007

No Autographs Please

Okay, first off, new pictures up at Flikr. Hopefully have some more up as Little had her second birthday.

My Little isn't so little anymore. Getting bigger by the second, and still damn full of energy and mischievousness. I swear that girl gets into more stuff and more trouble. And when you bust her for something, she wraps her arms around your leg, gives a kiss, mwah, and then runs off to plan her next caper.

Munchkin is hardly a munchkin anymore either. She is well on the path to being a young girl. Followed by young lady, followed la la lalalalal (fingers in ears). She is super excited about starting school this fall. She'd start now if we let her. Will be fun to watch that attitude change over time.

My computer brokeded yesterday. Just quit working in the middle of my damn game. I have no idea what is wrong or what to do. I think the mother board died so am screwed because my chipset is old as fuck. Using my Shannon's in the mean time and the sooner off here the better for both of us. Damn split keyboard.

So what is a bored guy to do then with no computer? Play hours and hours of Guitar Hero 2 sounds like a brilliant plan! Arthritis in your hand? Screw it, play through the pain, Jimi would. Or load up on heroin, but really, that seems drastic. Talk about getting to live out adolescent fantasies. Who needs air guitar when I can slap on this 3 foot piece of plastic with no strings and jam baby!! I make Eddie Van Halen weep with my skills. Because, honestly even in pretend, not so good. But do I care? Nay I say!!! I will thrash and rock and scare children and cats in my quest for the next level!

Now if you will excuse me, I need to soak my hand in ice, and shoot up. They want an encore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've only played GH2 once, and that was at a Best Buy display... I sucked, sucked, SUCKED at playing 'Strutter,' and haven't tried playing since.

A work buddy has it, but 1) he's not through playing in order for me to borrow it and 2) my 360 keeps dying on me. I'm on #2 in a one month period. Thank goodness they have the nice 3 year warranty now.

Oh, hey... Long time, huh?

10:35 PM  

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