Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Old Highlifes, Waiting Room Blues

So took Munchkin in for her very first dental check up. Probably a little later than it should be, but still, better than not at all. She was a pretty good patient too, getting the xrays and her teeth cleaned. Not at all patient, waiting on the dentist, but when they ere working with her, she did great.

Downside of course is that she has 4 cavities. Tiny ones apparently, that only showed up on the xrays, and they are in between her teeth. Time to teach her to floss now. So certainly not looking forward to being there when she gets shot full of Novocaine and worked on.

She also has a cross bite because she is still sucking her thumb/finger. We have been telling her forever to knock it the fuck off but she doesn't. Even the Dr told her to stop but she is still doing it. Now, is it a little morally shady to have her associate her finger sucking to the pain of having cavities drilled so she stops?

Yeah, I thought so too, but I am so tempted to do it. Horrible I know. Put me up for Father of the Year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son was four when I first took him to the dentist and he also had some pretty bad cavities. The dentist said both of my kids are just cursed with soft enamel - they will always have problems, and they have lived up to that prediction. The plus though, is that getting work done never bothered my son. He just went right to sleep in the chair. Apparently kid dentists are much nicer and gentler than MY dentist!

Anyway... I beat myself up a lot over their tooth problems when they were young, but eventually had to accept that the teeth were definitely being brushed and cared for. Just help the little ones take care of their teeth and I'm sure they'll be A-Okay.

1:56 PM  

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