Thursday, November 30, 2006


So got a call about my test reuslts today. Turns out it isn't melanoma but some other -oma. Some kind of freaked out blood vessel. So that is a fairly decent sized load off my mind.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Here I Am

First off, thanks to MJ for the poke in the ribs to get off my ass and get to posting.

I have been lax on the whole thing because I was just sorta in a funk of sorts. I didn't want all my posts to be about all the crappy luck I was having and so stayed quiet. And then once quiet, inertia kept me that way I suppose.

My knee is healing up, still a touch sore and swollen, and in my geniusness, missed my appointment yesterday. I saw a dermatologist a couple weeks ago and the growth on my leg scared him enough that he cut it out immediately, even though it was a consultation visit. Still waiting on the results of that. So that weighs heavily.

Aside from that, it is same old, day to day. Little is not so little anymore, soon to hit 18 months. Still not talking really but understands every damn thing said to her I think. Munchkin is turning into a young lady very quickly, and only just 5.

The two of them crack me up. Separately that is. Together they quickly dissolve into chaos, and eventually someone winds up crying. Besides their mother or I that is.

Overheard in Munchkins Room

Who is Loverboy? I dunno, some boy that goes around loving.

(Munchkin talking to herself reliving VH1s 100 best 80s songs from the night before I guess.)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bed Physics

Okay, someone explain this to me.

I know that in the midst of the night with tossing and turning, especially with two people, that covers move around. I grasp this. What I don't understand is how it is possible for her to get all the sheet and I get all the blanket and the comforter stays equally distributed.

How is that possible?
