Thursday, June 01, 2006

The One Where I Go On and On About Nothing

I think I am sun burned. It is getting owie-ish. I was supposed to stay in the shade but I wound up playing. For what do you speak of Murphy? The class party off at one of them racquet clubs with a pool and what not. Seems more like a country club but hey, you call it whatever you want to.

I went just for the hell of it, get paid for standing around and doing nothing? Count me in! I didn't just stand around though, I wound up playing with them. And ya know what? I had a blast!! I played ping-pong and was running the table, undefeated and everyone wanted a turn against me. Until I got schooled by one them. Hahhaa. Then I went off and watched them play tennis and was asked if I wanted to play and I said sure. And damn if it wasn't fun. I hadn't played tennis in a hundred years. Okay, how about several decades?

I'm usually all freaked out about any kind of exertion or anything athletic these days because of my hip surgeries and arthritis but I felt pretty good out there. I didn't feel worried really. I didn't really shag ass after balls but I actually ran after some and it felt real good. I might have to try that somemore.

So, as far as Idol and Survivor...

Well, I am glad that Taylor won. I really liked him the most and thought he did the best job. Still pissed that Chris got voted off, but I am not worried over his future at all.

Survivor was decent enough. I'm not surprised that Terry got stabbed in the back basically by Danielle. As soon as she did that I was rooting Aras all the way. Second to Terry, Aras did the best I think. He had it a whole lot easier than Terry being on the winning side from the get go and being in control but a helluva competitor. I loved the fact that during the reunion, when Jeff asked if Terry had made it who would they have voted for and Danielle would have lost that way too. Hahahahaha, suck it!

In baby news, Little is offically walking now. Unless she needs to be somewhere in a hurry, we amble along on two little chubby legs. Like she wasn't trouble before, now she is hell on wheels.



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