Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's Like Africa Hot

So, in keeping with the great tradition of being a close personal friend of Murphys Law, our AC is out. And of course the temperatures have been hitting mid 90s now. So we sat in an 87 degree apartment yesterday evening but it is a balmy 84 inside here today. Freaking repair people never showed up, so another looooong night.

I'm sure I'm a big dork but I bust out with the frozen green beans every now and again and molest them in some cooling manner or another. Had a refreshing beverage with dinner which was ordered in, because honestly, who wants to turn on a stove/oven in this situation?

After Idol I think I am going skinny dipping in the wading pool.

With my green beans.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my.... guess I won't talk about our 75 degree, breezy/cool, sunny but no-a/c-needed comfiness. ah-hem.. ;-) I remember what Fresno is like, though, and I don't miss that part of it. Sorry your a/c went out... that sucks really hard. Hope it gets taken care of asap!

3:27 PM  

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