Friday, March 17, 2006

Raindrops Keep Falling...

I'm about tired of the rain here. Not to mention damn tired of the cold. Spring is Monday? Ha! Again I say, Ha Ha!

I walk to work since it is basically across the street. I figure I walk 200 yards or so, but that's a guess, I don't have a pedometer stuck in my ass or anything and frankly, who cares? It's nice to get a little exercise in because somehow no one else believes in remote control curls or keyboard aerobics. Exercise nazis. Anyway, the only time it truly sucks is when it is pouring down rain. Or when it's a 100 fucking degrees out. But that's not the case this season, read the title to catch up if you're feeling lost.

I usually don't mess with an umbrella unless it is just pissing down. Sprinkling ain't gonna bother me any, not like I have much in the way of hair up there to get wet. It's actually kinda nice being bald, all I have to do is squeegee my head with my hand and I'm dry again. Try that you haired up freaks!! Anyway, today I found a disadvantage to being bald in the rain.

You know those big ass drops of rain? It might be a light sprinkle, smallish drops and then out of nowhere these big huge monstrosities come flying down at the speed of sound or something. It's like a bunch of the little drops got together and having a rave or some shit. We're plummeting to our deaths!! Hand me a light stick, let's dance!! Those hit the top of your bare head and those bastards can smack sometimes. I swear to god, it's like God reaching down and flicking the top of your head!

So yeah. Done with the rain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

::chuckle:: I can see ya wavin' yer hands around as you tell that story. Damn... miss ya, ya Irish Mickey! Happy St. Paddy's Day!

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all Happy St. Patrick's Day! HAHA I'm sorry your head takes a beating from the rain from time to time!!

5:02 PM  
Blogger MJ said...

Happy St. P's Day Murph! Cheers!

6:18 PM  

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