Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

Little has been uncooperative all day long with taking naps, so needless to say has been cranky-ish and tired. Her solution to all this? Climbing up on the table and finishing off Daddy's Mountain Dew Code Red.

Yeah, perked her little ass right up.

She can tell me how the Dick Clark New Years Eve was, I'm crashing before then.

Happy New Year to all!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Times Are Changing

Back in the day, hours used to be spent on assembling toys the night before Christmas or on Christmas morning. These days, hours are spent trying to untie miles of tape and wires from the goddamn toys to get them out of the box.

Yay progress!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Not much to tell in the day to day things of casa de Murphy. The kids have been excited about Christmas and the coming of Santa. Well, Munchkin more than Little as Little is still a little clueless but by god she is still enthusiastic.

We had our traditional Mexican food tonight (how that started I dunno) and we got cookies ready for Santa and some carrots for the reindeer and then they sat down with cocoa before bed. Little reeeeeeally likes the stuff because with every drink, she let out a hearty MMMmmmmmmmm.

I still need to finish wrapping presents so suppose I should be doing that instead of sitting here.

A very Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope it is filled with love, joy and happiness. And may the New Year bring you more good things to you and yours.